Section 75 agreements are an important aspect of the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. These agreements relate to the provision of healthcare services and are entered into between Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and other organizations. In this article, we will explore the significance of Section 75 agreements in the NHS.

What are Section 75 Agreements?

Section 75 of the National Health Service Act 2006 enables NHS organizations to enter into agreements with other organizations for the provision of healthcare services. These agreements are called Section 75 agreements. The aim of these agreements is to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services by leveraging the expertise and resources of other organizations.

Section 75 agreements can be entered into between NHS organizations and other public sector bodies, private sector companies or voluntary organizations. These agreements can cover a wide range of services such as healthcare procurement, commissioning, and provision of healthcare services.

Why are Section 75 Agreements Important?

Section 75 agreements are important for several reasons. Firstly, these agreements enable NHS organizations to access specialist expertise and resources that may not be available within their own organization. This can help to improve the quality of healthcare services and patient outcomes.

Secondly, Section 75 agreements can help to improve the efficiency of healthcare services. By working with other organizations, NHS organizations can share resources and reduce duplication of effort. This can help to reduce costs and improve the use of resources.

Thirdly, Section 75 agreements can help to improve collaboration between different health organizations. By working together, organizations can better coordinate their efforts to provide high-quality healthcare services to patients.

Examples of Section 75 Agreements

There are many examples of Section 75 agreements in the NHS. One example is the agreement between NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Lanarkshire. Under this agreement, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde provides specialist paediatric services to NHS Lanarkshire. This enables NHS Lanarkshire to provide high-quality services to children in their area without having to duplicate resources that are already available in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Another example is the agreement between NHS England and the British Red Cross. Under this agreement, the British Red Cross provides support to patients who have been discharged from hospital. This helps to prevent re-admissions to hospital and improve patient outcomes.


Section 75 agreements are an important aspect of the NHS. These agreements enable NHS organizations to work with other organizations to provide high-quality, efficient healthcare services to patients. By leveraging the expertise and resources of other organizations, NHS organizations can improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. As such, Section 75 agreements play a key role in the delivery of healthcare services in the UK.